Warning: The world is sleepwalking into a second lockdown

As Covid inquiries around the world are turned into pro-lockdown whitewashes and the global health establishment rebuilds around the shadowy figures who trapped us in our homes, there are real fears the sheer hell of 2020 could soon be repeated.

Perhaps that’s even part of the plan by big pharma and the global health establishment.

That’s the stark warning from Great Barrington Declaration co-author Dr Jay Bhattacharya in a dramatic Outspoken Members Town Hall, which you can watch in full above.

The Stanford professor, who became an informal adviser to Florida governor Ron DeSantis, says: “As things stand, the people who imposed the lockdowns, imposed the vaccine mandates, imposed the mask mandates, imposed the widescale psychological panicking of the population, and also supported the very dangerous research that very likely caused the pandemic, those people have power now, they’re giving themselves awards. We now have lockdown as the standard for how we deal with respiratory virus pandemics in the future – and it will absolutely happen again. In your lifetime, it will happen again because we have not repudiated it.


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